I think a Super Mario has been one of the first video games most people have played whether it was on the original NES or even with the latest Nintendo console. No matter what I always preferred Mario over the likes of Mickey Mouse who apparently Mario is more recongnizable among kids than Mickey and this has been true for many decades. Here you can find a tribute to our favorite Italian Plumber with all articles written about him
Category: Miscellaneous
Unrelated posts with no certain theme to be included in another category and can be totally random.
MiscRave The Digiculture Shortcast Podcast! A show that talked about a variety of topics from discussion on latest announcements in tech/politics/geeky topics or just going down the memory lane and analyzing a specific narrative. Old episodes were pruned so if a link is no longer active just contact me for a new download link at … Read More “MiscRave digiculture podcast Episode Archive” »
Below is a list of categories of some of our different Features. You can read descriptions for our features here. That way you can take a look at more articles that you may like. Features: Video Classic Crisis on Infinite Continuity FVN News Listen back.. Looking back on.. Miscellaneous Rave The Problem with.. Hype Train The time I.. Whatever happened … Read More “MiscRave Article Archive Library” »
I first heard about Pokemon after the infamous Porygon incident and from then on anything I read about Pocket Monsters or “Pockemon” had me interested. By the time the marketing juggernaut arrived in the west they had little convincing to do as I was already all in on it. As a big fan I’ve done tons of stuff with the franchise and here I get to share some articles I’ve written about it, gotta read ’em all!
Read More “Pokemon Article Archive: Raving Pocket Monster Articles” »
It’s Valentine’s Day and the start of Wresting Wednesdays so I thought It’d be appropriately inappropriately to feature the best Pro Wrestling Divas, wrestlers or whatever your favorite term from them are. The rules are only one girl from each promotion and we’re only going to take a look at WWF, WWE, WCW, ECW, TNA. It might be cheating having both WWF and WWE as separate brands but because of their monopoly and now their “brands” and I wasn’t going to do a “Raw” or “Smackdown”. For the list it was chosen mostly from our perspective of who was the most iconic in the time and that they stood out above others.
Tori (Terri Poch) WWF
Tori makes the list being the first woman wrestler I was interested in when I started watching WWF, which is odd since she never did much and was always overshadows by all the models and never got a good Woman’s championship run. I think the fact that she looked fit enough to be a real wrestler is what made her have a certain appeal even if she was never that prominent. At least she was known for always doing lots of photoshoots with style as seen above. And still she seemed important enough that the WWF always featured her even if not doing much with her.
Read More “Best Wrestling Waifus: Hottest female wrestlers from WWF, WCW, WWE, ECW, TNA” »
I was thinking about what to do for a themed Valentine’s Day post and since I’m on a Jurassic themed year I thought a post full of Dino Waifus seemed like a great idea. This proved to be more difficult and not really what I wanted to do but dammit, I had already wasted too much time on it to cancel it. I decided to choose the most “iconic” dinosaur women from different media so we have one in each category comic/video game/anime/film and I avoided any getting too close to anthropomorphic territory so Teryx from Dinosaucers didn’t make the cut.
Hannah Dundee
Xenozoic Tales also known as Cadillacs & Dinosaurs we get our Comic Book pick with Hannah Dundee who happens to live in a future where Dinosaurs came back. She is a weird mesh of various character traits being a Diplomat, Scientist but also an explorer/adventurer. I can’t say she fits her first two roles very well but whatever it’s in her CV. I get a Lara Croft vibe from her being both a sexy and yet badass. I’m not a huge fan of the aesthetics that characters have in Xenozoic Tales but for not being a mainstream franchise and kind of obscure Hannah is definitely iconic.
Read More “Top Dinosaur Waifus: Fall in love with Dinosaur Women” »
Professor Layton’s live online game of “real” puzzles called Layton’s Mystery Journey: Real World Puzzle Solving or Layton World for short launched to help promote Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy is now online. As this is a timed based web based game the story and puzzles are now lost to time; luckily I archived them all. Let’s take a look at the final part of the gamefor previous parts or for the puzzles click here.
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