The Digital Culture podcast returns with episode 101 where I talk a little about the show and where it’s going to go from now on. Expect it weekly with new episodes every Wednesday. Check it out.
Length ~ 4 minutes
The first Star Wars spin-off Rouge one may have has us a movie about getting the plans of the death star, but before Disney bought Lucasfilm this is something we had already known about, the status of these events are now uncertain but I’m sure there won’t be that many conflicts on them or at last none that can’t be explained away somehow. But it’s interesting to take a look at these early looks of how the events were explained and in “movie” form because these are the cutscenes / FMV of the games where these events took place so here we take a look at these two Star Wars “movies” you never saw.
Read More “Star Wars “X-Wing” & “Dark Forces” better than Rogue One Secret Movie..” »
Christmas was yesterday and we all received presents, did you get any good ones?
In my case my present was more of a trip and other presents I got this year aren’t really “share” friendly and I don’t mean they aren’t appropriate but nothing really “interesting” to show online but quite useful and great in their own right. I actually turned down a few “fun” geeky things when some people asked me, maybe I’m growing up but let’s hope it’s not that and next year can be a little more “fun” to show.
You wake up on Christmas to see what presents Santa Claus has brought you and he did it he brought you the thing you must wanted. That’s what Brandon and Rachel got when they received his Nintendo 64 on Christmas Day. It first became popular about ten years ago but it still captures that moment you felt as a kid getting something you really wanted which we’re going to see why.
Read More “Remembering.. Nintendo 64 Sixty-FOOOOOOOOOOUR Kid” »
Jingle All the Way was one of my favorite christmas movies I saw as a kid and even as I grew up I continued to like it. I was shocked to find later on that the general consensus was that it was a terrible movie since to me it had always been very clever and an over the top yet accurate picture of what happens during this season. Over the years the general consensus has changed and now I can say opinions are more divided about the movie with them leaning towards it being good. I guess kids who loved the movie just grew up and were able to defend the movie they love. But I’m not here to talk about the Arnold Schwarzenegger film with future Anakin Skywalker Jake Lloyd but of Turbo Man the superhero that becomes the toy of the year.
When Reggie Fils-Aime went on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show to show off Super Mario Run and the Nintendo Switch he also brought in Miyamoto. As some of you know Shigeru Miyamoto loves music hence why he made the much hated Wii Music game but it’s really one of his passions probably more than video games so here we see him palying the Super Mario Bros. theme with The Roots which is nice.
Read More “Shigeru Miyamoto & The Roots perform Super Mario Bros. theme” »
Even before Disney ever owned Star Wars they had a section of their park dedicated to it and they would perform various fun movie inspired skits.
This time for Rogue One they used Epcot’s Spaceship Earth and with some clever lights they turend it into the Death Star to coincide with the spin-off film Rogue One which I talked about here. It works out pretty well and it’s a fun watch.
Read More “Disney’s Epcot has a Death Star and it killed Star Wars with it” »