Feeling the Xmas spirit and want to read some Christmas inspired articles? Here is an archive of all the Xmas related posts from MiscRave to put you in the mood.
Movies / Shows:
Secret Movie.. The NIghtmare Before Christmas Sequel “Oogie’s Revenge” You never Saw
Looking back on.. The Santa Clause Trilogy
Looking Back On.. Casper’s Haunted Christmas
Dr. Seuss Live Action Duology: How The Grinch Stole Christmas & The Cat In The Hat
Sonic Cartoon Trilogy & Christmas Special
90s Videogame Commercials FT. Nintendo, Sega, Sony
Remembering the N64 Kid’s Xmas
Christmas Toy Of The Year:
Turbo Man
TMNT Musical Ninja Turltes: We Wish You A Turtle Christmas & Turtle Tunes
Listen Back.. The Nightmare Before Christmas Revisited soundtrack
Music Match Xmas – 3 Different Christmas Songs For Your Playlist
How Long Should Christmas Last?

If you enjoyed the archive or have any thoughts let me know by commenting below or by tweeting at me. You can also share the article or hit me up an email with your thoughts, it’s nice to hear from other fans.