Animal Crossing of all series has actually gotten a few different Apps made for it unlike most other franchises and not all of these are very well known. Before some of these fade to obscurity I thought I’d talk a little about the different apps the franchise has gotten, now this won’t include spin-off games or stuff like the stickers in the Line App which is what the featured image is from. I think Animal Crossing is a series that could have some useful apps but sadly we haven’t really gotten that many great ones.
Fist we have the Animal Crossing Clock on the DSi shop but was also readily available on the 3DS eshop for $2. I was ready for anything Animal Crossing but sadly this isn’t it. Having a clock on a system that already has a built in clock is rather pointless but what makes it worse is that this app has to be running for it to work as it can’t run on the background. There goes the function for alarm clock out the window. I think a lot of detail could’ve also been put into the app to make it feel more like Animal Crossing and while it lets you change the town tune among other small details it doesn’t have enough in it to make it feel special like having the themes for the hours or changing seasons etc. An Animal Crossing clock App could be useful but just not in this form factor sadly.