Eden an anime about robots. I don’t normally check out shows with little knowledge about them unless they’re super interesting. This one piqued my interest and since it was only 4 episodes long I decided to check it out blindly. Had it been longer or just season 1 of something perhaps I would not have dared to enter. Such is life and well that’s very appropriate for this anime that is short, tells its story and leaves. Sometimes that’s all you need and this is my little tribute shrine to the CGI Anime not many people will know exists.
Released randomly on Netflix in 2021 we have a story of an earth where robots live and tehre are no humans. I mean post apocalyptic tales are not uncommon so that’s not what makes this anime special. It’s the journey that you go through. As you’d expect they find a human and the tale begins. 3D animes can be hit or miss, it really depends on how it’s done and if it fits the style the franchise. IN this case I thin the CG looks quite nice and it fits the style perfectly, as if it’s a video game in movie format. It just works.
In the story you have really wholesome robots and they’re afraid of being discovered by other robots that they found and raised a human. The human of course just wants to be with others of her kind. It’s interesting to see how the robots learn more about human culture and sra the kid as well. It’s all so heartwwarming and yet sad. It really brings out emotions out of you.
The girl’s name is Eden and her quest in these four episodes feel like a video game quest as this 15 year old decides to take an awakening journey. I absolutely love it and it’s so full of soul that you can’t help but really get into her world and how she must be experiencing things. It all feels new and mysterious. It’d be far more impacting if I were a kid watching this but even as an adult I can see how they do things so right.
Imagine finding an AI that wants to help you, going through clues to know more about the past and what happened. Suspense is done well and you want to root for them. This seems easier said than done and many modern movies, anime, shows etc. completely miss this. I don’t see how I didn’t see this before but I guess it makes sense, no one really talked much about it.
It’s such a short story at just an hour and a half for the entire thing that I don’t want to spoil anything and it should just be experienced. The plot and mystery is a fun ride with a nice twist. Sara Grace 3449 emotional. We somehow even get a giant mecha fight in the end and it just works. I mean you would think a bad guy in this story would feel odd but not really.
Eden did get a manga adaptation. Besides that not much more is likely to be done with the concept and that’s fine, it doesn’t need more even if I’d love to have some figures or merchandise based on it. As a hidden gem not many people know about it’s a great find. It’s not a ground breaking anime by any means or one of the best at anything but it just leaves you with such a heartwarming feeling that not much media can do.