The Tom Green Show was huge for a short while before it disappeared but his relevance was felt. He truly was a late 90s early 00s icon. Many influencers and tiktok/youtube channels are really just copies of various aspects of the tom green show whether they’re aware of it or not. So in that regard Tom Green was avant-garde. We will go thorugh the different iterations of the Tom Green Show from the public access Canadian show to MTV’s new Tom Green show.
The Tom Green Show is a product of its time yet Tom is a visionary, his style of humor is what you see youtubers and tik tokers do, in some vvays he seemed to care more than current influencers in other ways he does go out of line. As a kid i loved it and thought everything was hilarious. Now as an adult like most youtube/tiktoks videos that do this it can be a bit cringey, once you realize that those people working hate their jobs and they just have to deal with it. Anyway Tom Green definitely has more personality than thea average influencer, he is IN character when he does the stunts and doesn’t break character.
The mtv show includes a lot of clips from the canadians show for the most part in a best of and censored kind of deal, because they are indeed the best segments, that doesn’t meant he mtv segments are bad, he just got too popular and people knew who he was so it made it difficult for him to play the same role, he was now being aired on a national network and people would follow him which because of the style of his humor which is supposed ot be unpredictable and taking people by surprise, it didn’t work when he’s being followed by people who recognized him.
Phil does have great laugh like Tom says and Glenn Humplik’s awkardness makes the interactions with him a lot of fun. I wish there was more to the show, sadly there isn’t which is likely why it couldn’t be taken elsewhere . i feel his humor worked and more could’ve been done with it but sadly no one was interested.
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Canadian Public access show
Rawer, more soul, more disorder, not as good though. Very amateurish, not as produced so it’s wilder, purer more intense. But also most of the show is not as funny but also more funny since the segments can get wild, it’s just not consistent..
tom green Show MTV
3 short seasons
I liked the production though most of the funny segments were really recycled ones from his original show, it worked better here since at least most of the time they tried the show to have some type of theme or direction.
The new Tom green show
Not enough old style segments which when he did do them they were the best part of the show.
Some segments are like the old show not as crazy so not as fun but the best the interviews are not as good and bad the Canada show. You can tell having interaviews is not Tom’s strongest point, his humor doesn’t come off as well there. I think he was trying way too hard to succeed and be a more serious host, MTV could’ve done a better job or perhaps they just didn’t have much faith in the show.
specials : Not that fun, subway monkey hour is the funnest and most like original show. The Lewinski special should’ve been a one episode show, cancer special is different and didn’t fit with his brand. Should’ve not been in character.
Tom live in his house
Anything related to Tom Green Live and will likely be its own article as it was both innovative and trollish as heck .
Tom Green inspired a lot of my humor growing up in my early teens. I too would go to stores to get kicked out and act silly, if only I had known taping that and uploading them would’ve made me an eceleb.