I was walking in the mall when I was walking a hall that didn’t have any stores nor a lot of people. I got approached by a random cute girl in a suspicious manner. This was rather unusual. I got a bit scared. She only wanted to know if I would watch a trailer for an upcoming movie and answer some questions about it..and I would get paid for it. This all seemed so unreal but of course I said yes and walked to a room that had a bright light. There was nobody, a room that had no indication that it was for anything, I was entering a mysterious place….except not inside there were a bunch of cubicles with computers, I sat down put the headphones on and watched the trailer that had not been released yet which was for Silent Hill the movie. I then answered a quick poll and got my money. I was happy. I tried to go other times to see if I would get picked randomly again as I knew there mode of operandi but only saw them one more week and after that they were never there again.
Silent Hill
The film has a nice beginning and the way we get to the town is set up well. The characters are also set up rather well. Pretty tense. You understand why this place is creepy. Many scenes do feel like straight out of a Silent Hill video game. It has a nice mystery with the daughter and you get to travel this game like world in a movie. The way the different stories intertwine is well done. The mystery unfolds in a decent manner that it keeps your failing attention span in the movie. It starts to get weird towards the end, but in a way it gets video game weird. The ending is a nice sequel hook. Really cool outro. Visuals + tone on point Its a movie mixing timelines and ideas from movies is fine.
Silent HIll Revelation 3D
At least it’s a short film…We begin with full retcons on the level of the Resident Evil movie. Though there’s nothing in the movie that some mental gymnastics can’t fix, they do try to make this into a sequel by referencing stuff, even if changing others. The history of the town is changed in a convoluted way. But hey, as the ending says the town is always changing and Silent Hill is always different. The movie is not as creepy and it’s cheesier in both dialoge and looks. It does get creepy from time to time but less often The rules of the darkness changed here. I like that the changes open possibilities to explore, but it’d be nice to have a better understanding of the rules. The ending is not as strong as the original movie. still glad the movie happened.
Return to Silent Hill
Meant to coincide with the Silent Hill 2 remake which it adapts. The teaser trailer got made fun of by fans and got taken down. The movie is done but hasn’t been released. As soon as it is this will be updated. The trailer I actually felt was pretty decent. Perhaps it did feel a bit low budget but I was intrigued to see the movie.
The first movie is an amalgamation of different games but tells mostly the story of the first game. The second movie with a different director adapts Silent Hill 3 but it works since that movie is a sequel to the first game’s story. The original director comes back to adapt Silent Hill 2 for the third movie which works since it’s a different story. Overall these movies get too much hate, they’re fine and do capture a lot of the essence of the games. Not everything since well they’re movies and you can’t recreate the games entirely.