Whether it’s the Nintendo Switch 2, The Nintendo Switch 3, a new Game Boy, a new VR headset. Any new console by Nintendo is going to be getting some games we can all expect no matter what. So, it’s not only a wishlist, but stuff that is guaranteed to be on any new system. So you can start to set your expectations on the next Nintendo console and what you’ll be getting, what you might be getting and what you might not. I do not count remakes or remasters as that game coming out on a system. All these would be brand new entries.
New 3D Mario: Some might be more linear than others but every console has had at least one new 3D Mario game since Super mario 64 and that trend will continue.
New 2D Mario: Since New Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo DS, we’ve gotten a new Super Mario in every console.
New Mario Kart: While Switch 1 didn’t get a new Mario Kart, I think the failure of the Wii U and success of deluxe
New Mario Party: Most consoles seem to get at the very least 2 Mario party games and the only exception is the GBA and Wii U, but we consider those outliers.
New Zelda: Every console has gotten at least one new Zelda, this tradition hasn’t been broken counting BOTW was a Wii U game and TOTK is a Switch 1 game. They may take many years
Pokemon Generation: New pokemon generations come every 3-4 years, we’re guaranteed to get at least one new generation per console.
Pokemon Spin-Off: Most Pokemon spin-offs have gone to mobile games however we’re guaranteed to get some type of spin-off on the next console. Perhaps not the returning spin-off you wanted but we’ll get something. There’s so many spin-offs that I really won’t go over them for now.
A Mario sports title: I mean one that is not related to Tennis and Golf. Whether they venture to a mix of sports, Soccer, or something different, we’ll see some type of different Mario Sports title.
Yoshi Spin-off: Yoshi always gets its game and it’s guaranteed that some strange gimmick will bring Yoshi into a decent but never popular title.
New Mario Tennis &/or New Mario Golf: Putting them together just in case as we didn’t get a new generation of both on the Wii for example. But at least a new entry of one of these is guaranteed but most likely we’ll get one of both.
New Smash Bros. : The series has become too important for any console to ever skip an entry. As important now as a new Mario title.
Current trends:
These are games that are currently in their favorites list but that doesn’t mean it’ll always be the case as they haven’t passed the test of time. Series might become unpopular at one point and be taken off but at the current moment it seems they’re a step from becoming guaranteed., although some could eventually become rotating.
Pikmin: Miyamoto’s pet project as long as he’s at Nintendo since he pushes for it. Any future entries after he retires would depend on sales.
Animal Crossing: Sales have kept increasing, so it seems like a no brainer. But I’d wait and see if a new Animal Crossing will still have great sales after New Horizon before I can put it on Guaranteed.
Splatoon: A juggernaut of a new IP born in the Wii U era, I think it surviving another generation would put it safely in the guaranteed one per generation at the very least.
These IPs are too big that they’ll be revived from time to time to see if they stick some have a shorter life cycle than others.
Mainline Donkey Kong game: Donkey Kong will always get some type of spin-off in every console, however a new mainline entry is not guaranteed. It has skipped various generations and handhelds in general.
Star Fox: It’s too big of a brand that it’ll continue to get opportunities in hope that this becomes a new current trend.
Once in a obscure Revival
these games are in the doghouse, because they’ve sold badly or disappointed in sales more than once. or just compltely forgotten since they were created. Nintendo never forgets and does revive IPs from time to time no matter how old. This list could be huge so I’ll keep it to soem of my favorites and franchises I think would be revied eventually.
Of course there’s some exceptions that prove the rule like say the Virtual Boy, the GBA not getting an original Mario.