So waht’s in store for MiscRave in 2025? The last few years we’ve been a little on the safe side on my resolutions; So, for this year I plan to do the opposite and be ambitious. I have forgotten what MiscRave was supposed to be. It’s lost its way, it’s not meant to be a review site of geeky things, that’s just a part of me although it makes for easy updates since it’s stuff I can write about quickly. In general it’s meant to be a hub of most things I have going on, which is why you’ll see a revival of the French Corner with a new name, more ecological, technology and musical posts as well, perhaps some business and analysis as well though I usually keep that to another site. I hope to make less reviews and more elaborate articles as welll. I still hope to do some cleaning around the site but it won’t be a priority.
A new podcast is out called Raving Academy and it’ll be a reflection of different projects and a companion piece to MiscRave. We’ll continue playing around with our video sites like tiktok which so far we’ve only used a bit to test the waters. Counting we have a new Jurassic Park movie and a new Nintendo console you can also expect our Dinosaur Year event to happen and our new console hype to be happen so expect lots of Nintendo and Dinosaur articles for the most part in the first half of the year at least. Let’s see how we do.