Two of Shonen Jump’s biggest international hits both got an Americanized live action movie to capitalize on their popularity. I’m talking about Sain Seiya Knights of the ZOdiac The Beginning in 2023 and Dragon Ball Evolution in 2009. Both in very different eras with different and similar results. I always thought a live action version of either franchise would never work. Even if they handled it like a pure adaptation, it just doesn’t work in live action. But I have to admit the teaser trailers of both movies lead me to think that they were going to pull it off by changing certain aspects. Both got reviewed terribly but always liking to form my own opinion and constantly having different takes that didn’t stir me away.
Saint Seiya – Knights of the zodiac the beginning
The intro does a terrible job at setting up the world it’s so out there, if you’re not into the franchise already you would be put off by all the mystical things they’re just spouting out without much context. Even the anime had to do this over time. I mean the concept in general is silly and not the best way to give an overview. Greek gods in a modern world? Cosmos? What the heck is all this info dump. I don’t think it works for fans either since they already know this stuff. The movie uses the dub names so we have Sienna and Nero for example which is just sad. The live action pilot pitch actually seemed more faithful than whatever this is supposed to be, and I hd hopes from the somewhat faithful trailer. I don’t even know what’s going on in the movie. It had a cyborg Cassius or a filler episode character into a villain? What was that all about? That’s a good chunk of the movie too, makes no sense, is not from the manga and it’s just bad.
There are no other saints, this could be logical but they don’t even give any real development to Seiya and Pheonix here. We got an overcomplicated origin that is not faithful and does little for us to care about the characters. Perhaps doing just a Galaxian Wars arc movie would’ve been better. Phoenix gets no introduction either, though he is treated like a badass. Athena being bad in a Dark Phoenix kind of way does not work. There was some potential with the three fight scenes between knights in their armor though that’s wasted. I don’t know what this was trying to be honestly. A different take on Saint Seiya. I liked the armors and hta Seiya was Japanese. It ends with “Gather the Knights”. It would’ve been neat to see the other knights interpreted in live action but eah not going to happen. No idea how they would’ve continued.
Dragon Ball Evolution
This movie also begins with a convoluted explanation in the beginning that does not work. I have to admit the promo pictures sold me on this movie, Bulma’s character design sold me, yeah she has the blue streak the attitude of young bulma i guess it could work. I liked that they begin with the King Piccolo saga, that feels like a good start. Goku in high school though? That’s not just weird but beyond ridiculous way to adapt Dragon Ball. They at least tried in making Roshi a pervert with the bikini magazine. The movie is just all around ridiculous although in its defense the movie is bad but doesn’t try to pretend it’s more than what it is i think.
That doesn’t really fix any of the problems or make it better though. The casting is poor but they try to have the essence of who the characters are but they still don’t get them quite well…Goku being white is just bad. I liked some of the plot elements that kinda worked with these characters but I’d hardly say it was any good. Some of their interactions worked as well. But the story is bananas, I think it should’ve embraced it more in a different way. It was the only hope, it had some potential if it was done sillier. It’s a different way of americanizing it, it tried more to do it but it still failed.
Overall both movies are indeed trash and I usually try to find redeeming features but even the few things i might’ve liked are just not worth rewatching at all. Both movies tried two different ways of americanizing it with what they thought was what people liked back then vs what they think people owuld liked in more recent times. But niether movie makes a good effort. I can’t believe this happened twice 15 years apart.