This has been my journal on my journey and well after a couple of years of not trying or doing the bare minimum I decided that this year I would take French seriously again. There’s always new things getting in the way so if I don’t make time for it, it’ll never happen. I started at the end of last year trying to find a way to practice again. I bought some books in French that I haven’t read yet, I likely don’t have the level to read them but I’ll give it a chance. I searched for presential classes but couldn’t find one that would fit my schedule, I will do my best to try to fit it in this year. But at the very least I have a premium Busuu account that I have been using since late last year. I decided to start from 0 since I wanted to make sure I didn’t forget anything and it’s been good. It helps me build my confidence doing easy exercises and I do pick up a few little details here and there that I just didn’t remember. This has helped me build up the habit again of learning French. Let’s see where my journey takes me in the next couple of months and see where I end up by the end of the year.
I’d also like to see my writing progress and be able to measure. This is mostly a personal livejournal in the modern web so I’d like to see how my writing improves. Any and all progress reports will be in French, so in a way because of that, this is the end of the french progress posts. Not because they’re finishing, but because they’ll be in a different language and therefore require a different name.