Last year for Valentine’s we were able to get a look at Power Rangers lingerie for our Valentine’s day post. This year we dwell into official merchandise once again however, it isn’t quite Sailor Moon Lingerie and more Sailor Moon Bikini, well I guess it’s supposed to be sailor scout bikinis but I’m not sure they’d be the best bikinis, so here’s our image reviews for Hot Topic’s magical girl anime bikini line.

The main image promoting this seems pretty cool since it features different models, some resembling their anime counterparts and their respective bikinis of all Sailor scouts, you have all of them Sailor Mars, Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mercury. They don’t get the looks 100% right but close enough that you don’t mind, it’s mostly Sailor Mercury who is a bit darker does suit her since her blue matches her skin well.

Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus being bleached blonde fits the characters perfect since it almost reminds me of the live action Tokusatsu Sailor Moon show. Sailor Mars looking asian is great since even though all of the Sailor Scouts were Japanese, she’s the one who had the most Japanese culture ties than the rest. Finally Sailor Jupiter also fits excellent with her tattoo and I’m a tough girl attitude.

Unfortunately all of them look pretty much the same sans the different colors to represent the correct Sailor scouts. The straps, ribbons and skirts are all cute but they’re all the same and didn’t try to make an effort.. We also have I guess a Luna bikini which isn’t as fun and is just an ugly bikini and very subtle so it loses on both ends. You can also find a Sailor Moon sports bra, which I guess to fit it in with the rest of this brand we can say it’s to represent Sailor Chibi Moon, it’s also not as interesting.

We have an archive here of the other pictures, sadly it’s mostly the same one model being photoshopped with all the bikinis instead of having different models try them on, too bad they didn’t go all out, only for the Hot Topic splash page I guess. But at least you can get a better look and see the slight Photoshop differences to make it seem like it isn’t just the same pose over and over.