I was being flooded by Spam and fake accounts so I did some research and remembered about this tool called Disqus. Once you make an account on their website you can comment on any blog or website that uses Disqus and it’s easy to share conversations on Social Media. It also has a nice community and social media aspects where you can get feeds of your favorite blogs that use Disqus, I really like it and would love to see more sites use it so I’m impressed with it. I really wanted to keep comments open without any registration but I guess it’s impossible to do but this won’t take much time to register.
Tag: updates
Miscrave has a twitter account and it’s @miscrave where you’ll find interesting pictures or commentary that isn’t article worthy for the site as well as links to new and relevant articles and site updates. Codes for different things like say Steam games, movies, etc will be given out from time to time on the account whenever I get some but it’s not the main focus. you can also follow @0sdp