Reading tweets in French can really be helpful in the learning progress, or at least that’s what I’ve been able to tell with me personally. It helps that there is a built in translator to help you out when you don’t understand so you can just click when you’re overwhelmed by a tweet. I already posted about some tweeter accounts to follow but I was asked to post more so here are other ones that I personally follow and have been for at least a few months.
Just like last time I will divide the accounts into three sections: Grammar, News and Fun. Grammar, being essential giving you mostly tips, quizes or infogrpahics. News, which are accounts that give out local or world news. Fun, mostly accounts that tweet cool stuff that I find cool in french.
Learn French Today! @FrancaisToday
Coffee Break French @learnfrench
News in Slow French @slowfrench
FRANCE 24 Français @France24_fr